
Thanks for stopping by. Read below to learn more about myself and my background.

Praveen Malethia at work

Dedicated Software Engineer with hands-on experience specializing in Python/JavaScript and associated frameworks. Proven track record of delivering high-quality solutions in diverse projects. Passionate about leveraging latest technology to solve complex problems, Developing and maintaining end to end scalable solutions

Experience ✨

    Exactus Energy
    [Aug/2023 - present]

  • Fixed and maintained their Booking website to give their customer a smoother booking experience.
  • Reduced manual work by 50% by fixing and maintaining their automation scripts and software.
  • Improved their 3D Design automation software, resulted in 40% less manual interaction with the software and less prone to bugs and errors
  • Implemented metrics to collect more data for analysis and to make better decisions in terms of business
  • Implemented CI/CD workflows for better development experience and to automate the deployment process

  • CollationHub
    [Jan/2023 - Aug/2023]

  • Fixed their ecommerce platform user interface for smoother user experience
  • Integrated new APIs to add more functionalities to the frontend.
  • Made android and Ios Apps to serve the user on their mobile devices.
  • Collaborated in team decision making to improve the product and quality in implementation
  • Collaborated in code reviews and helping other team mates to implement reliable and future proof code

  • Neuronimbus
    [ Nov/2021 - Jan/2023 ]

  • Developer frontend and backend for an investment platform, can be better defined as online version of shark tank.
  • Taking interviews of new candidates for the team.
  • Transformed a website of India's one of the leading financing company to be SEO optimized that resulted in 100% traffic and be able to be searched by google or any search engine.
  • Collaborated in many teams for development and maintaining of the products that they were building.
  • Collaborated in code reviews and helping other team mates to implement reliable and future proof code

  • Rapinno Tech
    [ Jan/2018 - Nov/2021 ]

  • Designing and developing interactive user interfaces using Nuxt/Vue.js
  • Integrating Stripe as Payment portal for recurring payments.
  • Integrating Sentry for error tracking, hence resulted in better product development.
  • Shifted the whole architecture from traditional deployment process to container orchestration.
  • Deployed to cloud using Docker and scaling horizontally using Kubernetes
  • Designed and developed Whole architecture using Python/Vue and deployments using Docker containers and github CI/CD workflows.

Education 🎓

Bachelors in Computer Applications

Skills ⚙️

Python, Django, Flask, MERN Stack

Postgresql, MongoDB

Docker, Redis, RabbitMQ